Sunday, February 28, 2010

shake off those winter woes


It's almost March and I can't wait for Spring!
Dusted off my jacket cold and fading,
hung it on the hook to welcome morning.
Dawn, my shorts and button shirt were waiting,
Sunrise flashing diamonds over acres.
Arms akimbo, patiently debating:
letting kitty sleep or should I wake her.
Let it be the sun that she'll be hating.
Just like magic dull and listless meadows
jump alive as soon as solar mating
burns the surface deep, as sleepy head knows
waking at my side (but she's placating).

Watching Spring time break is quite amazing
life can once again begin its grazing

Thursday, February 25, 2010



Only when we go up north does snowfall
hang like pots and pans in mid-air flurry.
Cold fronts hit our cheeks like sky-high stone walls
made to keep out Mongols in a hurry.
Though the snow piles high, we shouldn't worry.
Igloo tunnels over roads we're mapping
keep the layer cake of ice we're buried
underneath from heating up and snapping.
When I look at you I feel like wrapping
up in years of memories we've gathered.
Quilts of snowfall coat us while we're napping
keeping us from harm and close together.

When, from dormant winter-sleep, we're driven,
Spring and Summer welfare will be given.

freezing into the wild


Snow laid on the ground like baker's flour,
the thinnest dust of white to powder all.
Feels like weeks ago the ground had flowers
and days since red-gold leaves declared it Fall.
Pictures can not capture this damask shawl
of puffy flake linked loose by frozen thread.
Words are only as good as I recall,
suffice to say the scene was quite sacred.
It happened out the window by my bed
propped up by my elbow I bore witness
to faded skirts of trees that could not shed
the tall cones of ice that struck them listless.
My bones, and branches, froze with winter's kiss.
The windows open to the empty air.
As I freeze into the wild I will miss
the feeling I get knowing I'm somewhere.

drowning in two inches of water


Even though they told me not to do it,
here I stand, waist deep, in darkest humor.
Looking to where sunshine has ocean lit
bright on eyes, shut tight, where light's a rumor.
Given, darkened glances make a tomb for
second chances, wipe the tears with care.
Sucking air in my lungs make a tumor
of life sustaining gas; I'll need it there.
Step by small step, with nature I will share
what so many people thought was nothing.
Now under wave, I give up all my air,
replace it with a salty mix that stings.

Glitter sun above whose rays blue shimmer
out of us, my soul's the only swimmer.